Spectra  1.0.1
Header-only C++ Library for Large Scale Eigenvalue Problems
1 // Copyright (C) 2020-2022 Yixuan Qiu <yixuan.qiu@cos.name>
2 //
3 // This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla
4 // Public License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed
5 // with this file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
10 #include <Eigen/Core>
11 #include <Eigen/SparseCore>
12 #include <Eigen/SparseLU>
13 #include <stdexcept>
14 #include <type_traits> // std::conditional, std::is_same
16 #include "../LinAlg/BKLDLT.h"
17 #include "../Util/CompInfo.h"
19 namespace Spectra {
23 // Compute and factorize A-sigma*B without unnecessary copying
24 // Default case: A is sparse, B is sparse
25 template <bool AIsSparse, bool BIsSparse, int UploA, int UploB>
26 class SymShiftInvertHelper
27 {
28 public:
29  template <typename Scalar, typename Fac, typename ArgA, typename ArgB>
30  static bool factorize(Fac& fac, const ArgA& A, const ArgB& B, const Scalar& sigma)
31  {
32  using SpMat = typename ArgA::PlainObject;
33  SpMat matA = A.template selfadjointView<UploA>();
34  SpMat matB = B.template selfadjointView<UploB>();
35  SpMat mat = matA - sigma * matB;
36  // SparseLU solver
37  fac.isSymmetric(true);
38  fac.compute(mat);
39  // Return true if successful
40  return fac.info() == Eigen::Success;
41  }
42 };
44 // A is dense, B is dense or sparse
45 template <bool BIsSparse, int UploA, int UploB>
46 class SymShiftInvertHelper<false, BIsSparse, UploA, UploB>
47 {
48 public:
49  template <typename Scalar, typename Fac, typename ArgA, typename ArgB>
50  static bool factorize(Fac& fac, const ArgA& A, const ArgB& B, const Scalar& sigma)
51  {
52  using Matrix = typename ArgA::PlainObject;
53  // Make a copy of the <UploA> triangular part of A
54  Matrix mat(A.rows(), A.cols());
55  mat.template triangularView<UploA>() = A;
56  // Update <UploA> triangular part of mat
57  if (UploA == UploB)
58  mat -= (B * sigma).template triangularView<UploA>();
59  else
60  mat -= (B * sigma).template triangularView<UploB>().transpose();
61  // BKLDLT solver
62  fac.compute(mat, UploA);
63  // Return true if successful
64  return fac.info() == CompInfo::Successful;
65  }
66 };
68 // A is sparse, B is dense
69 template <int UploA, int UploB>
70 class SymShiftInvertHelper<true, false, UploA, UploB>
71 {
72 public:
73  template <typename Scalar, typename Fac, typename ArgA, typename ArgB>
74  static bool factorize(Fac& fac, const ArgA& A, const ArgB& B, const Scalar& sigma)
75  {
76  using Matrix = typename ArgB::PlainObject;
77  // Construct the <UploB> triangular part of -sigma*B
78  Matrix mat(B.rows(), B.cols());
79  mat.template triangularView<UploB>() = -sigma * B;
80  // Update <UploB> triangular part of mat
81  if (UploA == UploB)
82  mat += A.template triangularView<UploB>();
83  else
84  mat += A.template triangularView<UploA>().transpose();
85  // BKLDLT solver
86  fac.compute(mat, UploB);
87  // Return true if successful
88  return fac.info() == CompInfo::Successful;
89  }
90 };
123 template <typename Scalar_, typename TypeA = Eigen::Sparse, typename TypeB = Eigen::Sparse,
124  int UploA = Eigen::Lower, int UploB = Eigen::Lower,
125  int FlagsA = Eigen::ColMajor, int FlagsB = Eigen::ColMajor,
126  typename StorageIndexA = int, typename StorageIndexB = int>
128 {
129 public:
133  using Scalar = Scalar_;
135 private:
136  using Index = Eigen::Index;
138  // Hypothetical type of the A matrix, either dense or sparse
139  using DenseTypeA = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, FlagsA>;
140  using SparseTypeA = Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, FlagsA, StorageIndexA>;
141  // Whether A is sparse
142  using ASparse = std::is_same<TypeA, Eigen::Sparse>;
143  // Actual type of the A matrix
144  using MatrixA = typename std::conditional<ASparse::value, SparseTypeA, DenseTypeA>::type;
146  // Hypothetical type of the B matrix, either dense or sparse
147  using DenseTypeB = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, FlagsB>;
148  using SparseTypeB = Eigen::SparseMatrix<Scalar, FlagsB, StorageIndexB>;
149  // Whether B is sparse
150  using BSparse = std::is_same<TypeB, Eigen::Sparse>;
151  // Actual type of the B matrix
152  using MatrixB = typename std::conditional<BSparse::value, SparseTypeB, DenseTypeB>::type;
154  using Vector = Eigen::Matrix<Scalar, Eigen::Dynamic, 1>;
155  using MapConstVec = Eigen::Map<const Vector>;
156  using MapVec = Eigen::Map<Vector>;
158  // The type of A-sigma*B if one of A and B is dense
159  // DenseType = if (A is dense) MatrixA else MatrixB
160  using DenseType = typename std::conditional<ASparse::value, MatrixB, MatrixA>::type;
161  // The type of A-sigma*B
162  // If both A and B are sparse, the result is MatrixA; otherwise the result is DenseType
163  using ResType = typename std::conditional<ASparse::value && BSparse::value, MatrixA, DenseType>::type;
165  // If both A and B are sparse, then the result A-sigma*B is sparse, so we use
166  // sparseLU for factorization; otherwise A-sigma*B is dense, and we use BKLDLT
167  using FacType = typename std::conditional<
168  ASparse::value && BSparse::value,
169  Eigen::SparseLU<ResType>,
170  BKLDLT<Scalar>>::type;
172  using ConstGenericMatrixA = const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixA>;
173  using ConstGenericMatrixB = const Eigen::Ref<const MatrixB>;
175  ConstGenericMatrixA m_matA;
176  ConstGenericMatrixB m_matB;
177  const Index m_n;
178  FacType m_solver;
180 public:
190  template <typename DerivedA, typename DerivedB>
191  SymShiftInvert(const Eigen::EigenBase<DerivedA>& A, const Eigen::EigenBase<DerivedB>& B) :
192  m_matA(A.derived()), m_matB(B.derived()), m_n(A.rows())
193  {
194  static_assert(
195  static_cast<int>(DerivedA::PlainObject::IsRowMajor) == static_cast<int>(MatrixA::IsRowMajor),
196  "SymShiftInvert: the \"FlagsA\" template parameter does not match the input matrix (Eigen::ColMajor/Eigen::RowMajor)");
198  static_assert(
199  static_cast<int>(DerivedB::PlainObject::IsRowMajor) == static_cast<int>(MatrixB::IsRowMajor),
200  "SymShiftInvert: the \"FlagsB\" template parameter does not match the input matrix (Eigen::ColMajor/Eigen::RowMajor)");
202  if (m_n != A.cols() || m_n != B.rows() || m_n != B.cols())
203  throw std::invalid_argument("SymShiftInvert: A and B must be square matrices of the same size");
204  }
209  Index rows() const { return m_n; }
213  Index cols() const { return m_n; }
218  void set_shift(const Scalar& sigma)
219  {
220  constexpr bool AIsSparse = ASparse::value;
221  constexpr bool BIsSparse = BSparse::value;
222  using Helper = SymShiftInvertHelper<AIsSparse, BIsSparse, UploA, UploB>;
223  const bool success = Helper::factorize(m_solver, m_matA, m_matB, sigma);
224  if (!success)
225  throw std::invalid_argument("SymShiftInvert: factorization failed with the given shift");
226  }
234  // y_out = inv(A - sigma * B) * x_in
235  void perform_op(const Scalar* x_in, Scalar* y_out) const
236  {
237  MapConstVec x(x_in, m_n);
238  MapVec y(y_out, m_n);
239  y.noalias() = m_solver.solve(x);
240  }
241 };
243 } // namespace Spectra
SymShiftInvert(const Eigen::EigenBase< DerivedA > &A, const Eigen::EigenBase< DerivedB > &B)
void set_shift(const Scalar &sigma)
void perform_op(const Scalar *x_in, Scalar *y_out) const
@ Successful
Computation was successful.